West of Scotland Table Tennis League

West of Scotland Table Tennis League
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Welcome to the West of Scotland Table Tennis League website.  It provides up-to-date news and comment about Table Tennis in the West of Scotland and beyond. Suggestions for improvements and new items  are very welcome. Please send your comments, news or suggestions  to the guestbook or email to wosttl@ntlworld.com 

Some pictures from competitions and events 2017-20

Tommy McFadden - A Table Tennis Tribute - 05/06/2022 23:36:25
Many of us knew Tommy only through table tennis. We may not have socialised with him or known much about his private life but he was, nevertheless, a dear friend to ... (Read more)

Inter League 2022 - 15/03/2022 12:28:18
The Scottish Inter League competition takes place over the weekend of 19 th – 20 th March at Bell’s Sports Centre, Perth. The following players have been selected to represent ... (Read more)

Facebook Past Masters - 07/04/2021 21:07:06
This Group is for Table-Tennis players, coaches, organisers and scribes from the 1960s onwards. By sharing the rich history of TT in Scotland, the rest of the UK and abroad, we aim to raise awareness ... (Read more)

World Table Tennis Day - 01/04/2021 12:22:42
Are you a female living in Scotland and would like to try a new sport? Sign up to Drumchapel's online seminar to find out more about what’s involved in table tennis. ... (Read more)

TTS - Zoomcast - 14/03/2021 17:01:59
A return to the 1970s for this latest Zoomcast: Scottish TT Legends, Archie McCulloch and John Moir , the ‘Old Timers’, to this Q&A. Both John and Archie excelled at junior level as ... (Read more)

COVID-19 Update - 20 Nov - 21/11/2020 16:08:13
COVID-19 UPDATE FRIDAY 20th NOVEMBER Dear Members, Colleagues and Friends, Please note the Scottish Government has announced changes to protection levels for local areas, with Glasgow City, ... (Read more)

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