West of Scotland Table Tennis League

West of Scotland Table Tennis League
Regional Trials
The West of Scotland Regional Trials took place at Drumchapel High School on Saturday 11 October. Sixteen players attended the session which was led by Scottish Internationalist Gordon Clancey and ably assisted by Stephanie McCallum and David McDonald.
Players Attending
Adam Gaffney (44th BB)
Craig McGregor (44th BB)
Raymond McGregor (44th BB)
Lucy Elliott (Drumchapel)
Donna Gillon (Drumchapel)
Duncan Smith (Drumchapel)
Basel Razouk (Drumchapel)
Yaser Razouk (Drumchapel)
Rory Boyd (Drumchapel)
Thomas Cairns (Drumchapel)
Jonathan Diack (East Kilbride)
Claire Wallace (Easterhouse)
Hannah Shields (Easterhouse)    
Nathan McCarron (Camstradden)
Hannah McCarron (Camstradden)
Christopher Smith (Camstradden)
All players trained very hard and the coaches were impressed with their hard work.
The fact that there were 7 players under the age of 11 years old indicates the level of talent in the West of Scotland. Also, there were 6 players that were unable to attend today due to transport difficulties and other prior activities.
Details on the next session will be announced soon.
Philip McCallum
WoSTTL Coordinator